The hint is in her Instagram handle, @thetwinclairs. Lauren Sinclair is mum to twin toddlers and here she has used tie-dye kits to make a couple of gorgeous shopping bags for them to incorporate into their imaginary play.  

“This is a great activity for parents and children,” says Lauren. “To see their own patterns and designs come to life on the tote bags would be so much fun. There’s definitely enough dye for you to try it on other items as well.” 

“What I love most though is that you don’t have to be measured and precise – you can just go with your own flow,” she says. “No matter how careful or how liberal you are with the dying process, you will get your own unique pattern and colours regardless.”

How to Make a Tie Dye Bag

Step 1: Open up this tie-dye kit, and remove all the elements. You’ll find a canvas tote bag, some elastic bands, the tie-dye bottles with powder dye, instructions and two pairs of plastic gloves.

Step 2: Prepare your space. This can be quite a messy activity, so put down a drop sheet. You’ll also need something like a plastic ice cream container in which to do the dyeing. 

Prepare the colours for the tie-dye about 15 minutes before you begin.

Step 3: Prepare the dye by filling each dye bottle with warm water and shaking vigorously. Leave for 15 minutes, but be sure to use within 45 minutes. 

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Before you tie-dye your bag, you need to add elastic bands to make patterns.

Step 4: While the dye is activating, prepare your tote bag. The way you roll or scrunch your bag and place the elastic bands around it will create different patterns. The instruction sheet suggests lots of different effects that can be achieved. 

Step 5: Get colouring! Put the big plastic container down to catch all the drips and hold the tote bag over it. Use the different coloured dyes to colour each section of the tote bag separated by the elastic bands. Some colours will mix and create different colours and tones – don’t worry, it looks great. Make sure you get dye into the folds as well. Be sure to use your gloves to save your hands from getting tie-dyed!

Step 6: Wrap your tote bag in plastic wrap to ensure it stays moist, then leave overnight. After 12 or so hours, take the plastic wrap off and, using the other set of supplied gloves, remove the elastic bands. Your beautiful tie-dye pattern is now revealed. 

The end result of this craft project is a handy tie dye bag.

Step 7: Wash the bag separately in a warm washing cycle (the dye may run) then dry. Your one-off tie-dye bag is now ready to use.

What To Try

You’ll need a drop sheet and plastic container, along with the tie-dye kit. 

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