Got a tech concern? Geeks2U technician Eugene Quah can help! Here, the IT expert shares his advice and answers popular queries on topics such as knowing when to upgrade your computer… and what exactly IS blue light?  

How Do I Use My Smartphone as a Mobile Hotspot?

Follow these steps to use your smartphone as an internet hotspot for devices when there’s no access to WiFi.‍

Hotspot settings allow you to share your phone’s internet signal to nearby devices (like a laptop) that don’t have access to the internet. To switch it on, open your phone’s settings and look for ‘Network and Internet’ on an Android, or ‘Mobile Data’ on other devices. 

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You should then be able to find your phone’s hotspot name as a WiFi network option on your other device. Keep things secure by creating a password and, as you’re using data from your mobile phone plan, turn off the hotspot when you’ve finished using it.

What To Try:

How Do Internet Cookies Work?

Just like fortune cookies contain a hidden message, internet cookies are text files your device receives when it visits certain sites. They’re used to personalise your web-browsing experience and may enhance or speed up your online searches and web page visits. 

If you’d prefer for your activity to not be tracked, you can disable cookies in your device’s settings. This may prevent the site from functioning properly, though. 

What Is Blue Light and How Does It Affect Us?

Geeks2U technician Eugene Quah explains what blue light on devices is and how it can impact you.‍
Geeks2U technician Eugene Quah

The screens of most devices form images using red, green and blue light-emitting diodes (RGB LEDs), which are like tiny light bulbs that work together to create colour pictures. Blue light carries more energy compared to red or green light and stimulates the brain, telling it when it’s day or when it’s night, which helps to regulate our sleep-wake routine. 

Too much exposure to blue light at the wrong time of day can disrupt your sleep but, without it, colours can’t be properly formed. While you can’t cut out blue light entirely, setting your device to ‘night mode’ can help reduce the amount of blue light emitted.

SEE ALSO: Let the Geek Guide You: Tech Advice for Common Computer Issues

How Can You Tell if Your Computer Needs Upgrading?

The general rule of thumb is what I like to call the “tea test”. If it takes your computer longer to turn on, start a program or perform a task than it does to brew a cup of tea, then it’s time to upgrade! 

If you find the system is slowing down to a point where it’s causing you frustration, and you get a feeling of dread whenever you have to do something on it, it’s a good indication that it’s time to look for a new device.  

What To Try:

Should You Leave Your Phone on Charge Overnight?

Don’t charge your phone overnight if you can avoid it, as it may damage the battery.‍

With fast-charging technology built into many smartphones, running an overnight charge is no longer necessary. The main concern with it is the level of heat that’s generated when charging batteries, as high temperatures can cause damage to the battery. 

Ensure there is ample ventilation around your phone while charging and check your device’s charging settings, which can be optimised to regulate the charge rate.

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