Fun Facts

How many of these crazy facts do you know? I can't believe they are true!

"Mosquitos have 47 teeth. Emus can't walk backwards. The sun is actually a star, and it's 300,000 times larger than Earth. Blueberries are purple. The solar system was created around 4.6 billion years ago. Humans are taller in space than on land. The strongest muscle in your body is your tongue. It's impossible to sneeze with your eyes open. Jellyfish are 98% water and will evaporate in the sun. An elephant can die from a broken heart. The giant squid has the largest eyes ever recorded in the world. A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds. A hippopotamus can run faster than a human. Cows and horses can sleep while standing up. The Cheetah is the fastest animal on land."


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